Ochie Oca

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Negotiation Techniques You Must Do

Negotiation Techniques You Must Do
Negotiation Techniques You Must Do

Negotiation Techniques You Must Do. Negotiation techniques will always be done anywhere. By definition, negotiation means carrying out a bargaining process through negotiations to reach a mutual agreement between one party and another.

Pay attention to the word approval. Good negotiations will result in an agreement by both parties without any sense of losing or winning. Something that "fits" is really fun. "fits" there is a motivational event that discusses negotiations. "fits" coincidentally there was a meeting at the office the day before to negotiate with suppliers.

Negotiation Techniques You Must Do And You Can Try

So I had an idea to make it in written form to stick in my memory. From the knowledge of several motivators in various media sources and the addition of several articles, it seems that there are three things that I can conclude as blessings in negotiating.

Many writings may be more detailed, but hopefully these three things are easier to remember and practice. In short, the three things we must know and do as the keys to our success or failure in negotiations are:

1. Good Preparation and Mindset

Our success or failure in negotiating largely depends on how well we prepare ourselves. Preparation before negotiations is important. Knowing who we are talking to during negotiations will make us better prepared to negotiate.

Try to find out the target of our interlocutor later. Prepare data and analyze what we can convey in the negotiation process later. Where will you be and what alternatives can be proposed.

Do an initial introduction to our interlocutor, the target they want to achieve, have prepared targets and what alternative strategies we will offer. Remember the rule that everything is negotiable. Nothing is non-negotiable.

Deadlocks and the absence of common ground in negotiations may occur, but this is due to the dislike factor of our interlocutor to us. A Win-Win solution should be the end result of any negotiation process. This is the mindset or mindset that we must always remember.

2. Be an Active Listener

When negotiating, we focus on our interlocutor. Show that we pay attention and listen to them. By listening, we can capture the body language, intonation of words and gestures of the other person we are talking to so that we can find out what messages and targets are implied by the other person.

Negotiation Techniques You Must Do
Negotiation Techniques You Must Do

Our interlocutor must have a certain pressure and target. By listening, we easily catch the message and can choose what strategy or alternative will provide a win-win-win solution in the end.

A good listener means listening with empathy. Do not interrupt before the other person has finished speaking and provide body language that the other person can catch that you are really listening.

Give feedback on what the other person is saying without being inclined to pressure and force the final scenario in our opinion. A good negotiator will be indifferent to the final outcome so as not to appear to want to win on his own.

3. Establish Relationships and Closeness

We will easily negotiate with people we already know. You try, with whom we will always be easy to negotiate? Certainly with family, close relatives, friends and our friends. People we already know and know well their character and attitude.

Negotiation Techniques You Must Do
Negotiation Techniques You Must Do

It aims to establish relationships and closeness in negotiations. How do we create an atmosphere of connectedness between us and our interlocutor during a short period of negotiation? What can be done?


Experts say you can use methods known as mirroring and modeling. This way of believing not believing can make us more quickly have a closeness with the other person we are talking to.

In short, mirroring and modeling are just mirroring and equating thoughts, attitudes and body language to be the same as those of the other person.

Pay attention and do the same with the style of language, volume of voice, facial expressions, body language, gestures, principles of life or even the laughing style of the other person.

For example, consider the dialect of our interlocutor. If he uses many dialects of a particular area and we happen to have knowledge of those dialects, then use them.

Pay attention to the volume of his voice, if he is soft or loud enough to speak then do it softly or loudly when we speak or, look at the sitting style of the other person. If he sometimes puts his hands on the table or crosses them in front of his chest then on one occasion we do the same thing by placing his hands or crossing his arms across his chest.

That's about negotiation techniques, understanding mirrors and modeling. Do it wisely and according to the portion so as not to make it uncomfortable and considered strange by our interlocutor.

In conclusion, good preparation, being a good listener and being able to establish a good relationship with the other person will make us a good negotiator. I hope this negotiation technique is useful.