Tips for Caring for a Good Pomeranian Dog |
Tips for Caring for a Good Pomeranian Dog. The Pomeranian is a cute and adorable dog, which is a Toy dog breed. The face of this dog looks like a fox with the appearance of thick, fluffy like cotton balls, smooth and very attractive.
Who would have thought that a Pomeranian dog has two layers of fur, where the bottom layer consists of thick and soft fur, while the top layer consists of coarse and straight fur.
Tips for Caring for a Good Pomeranian Dog |
Pomeranian dog hair must be cared for properly and how to care for a Pomeranian dog should not be careless.
Tips for Caring for a Good Pomeranian Dog You Can Try
There are Tips for Caring for a Good Pomeranian Dog, the main thing is to take care of the fur, to keep it healthy and avoid hair loss, fleas, including being the cause of sick dogs.
Tips for Caring for a Good Pomeranian Dog |
In addition to this dog's coat, the health of other body parts is also important, such as ears, nails and food intake, because this breed of dog will get sick more easily if the Pomeranian is not cared for properly. Check out what are the ways to care for a Pomeranian dog following these tips:
Cleaning Dog Ears
Dog ears usually get dirty faster, and so do Pomeranians. Cleaning dog ears should be done regularly, at least once a week with the right steps.
Tips for cleaning dog ears is to use cotton swabs. Dip a cotton swab into a special dog ear cleaning liquid that doesn't contain alcohol, then clean the outside of the dog's ear.
Keep in mind, do not insert the tip of the cotton swab into the dog's ear canal, otherwise it is not recommended, this can cause fatal consequences, one of which is damage to the dog's ears.
Cutting Dog's Nails
The next way to take care of a Pomeranian dog is to trim his nails, dog nails are also easy to get dirty, especially after the dog plays from outside or when defecating in the litter box.
Dirty dog nails will cause disease, especially if not treated long enough because nails that are too long will cause pain, can hurt yourself, damage furniture, and even injure human skin.
Therefore, in addition to cleaning the ears, it is important to trim your Pomeranian's nails regularly, and it is best to trim your dog's nails when their nails start to grow longer.
How to cut nails is not arbitrary. Don't cut dog nails like human nails, tips for cutting dog nails are to recognize the Quick section.
What is Quick? Quick is the flesh inside the fingernail, which when cut will bleed. To prevent this from happening, dog owners must be able to identify the location of the quick part on the dog's nails. The quick section will make it easier to see if the dog's nails are white.
Quick itself looks pink behind the dog's nails. The rule is to leave a nail 4 to 5 mm long from the quick, so the dog doesn't hurt or even bleed.
Trim your dog's nails using nail clippers specially designed for dogs. Lift the paw from behind and allow the paw to bend on its own, then carefully trim the nail with 4 to 5 mm of the quick remaining. If you accidentally cut too short to bleed, immediately use a powder-type blood stopper to stop the bleeding.
Measuring Dog's Nail Length
After the dog's nails are cut, the dog's nails must be filed immediately so that the dog is not in pain. When smearing your dog's nails, do so while giving him a compliment. Like stroking his head affectionately and being given a light snack. That way the dog will be more cooperative during the next nail clipping.
Bathing the Dog
The next tip on how to take care of dogs is to bathe the dog, all types of pet dogs should be bathed regularly, including the Pomeranian which has two layers of thick fur.
Bathing the dog is preferable if the dog's body is too dirty, but even if it looks clean, the dog should still be bathed at least every 3 months.
Bathing your Pomeranian will help keep his coat healthy and free of lice and shedding. It is also advisable to bathe the dog before the dog is trimmed.
How to bathe a Pomeranian dog is to soak it in the bath, then you can use a plastic tub, or use a sink with a hole, fill it with water, then soak the dog in it.
Make sure the water level does not exceed the dog's level, at least the water level is about half of the dog's body. Dogs may rebel when bathed. For that as a form of security for dog owners, install an anti-slip carpet or ask someone else for help when bathing the dog.
When your dog has calmed down, use a spoon or a plastic cup or bowl to thoroughly wet the coat. Avoid the ear area, or if necessary, first plug the dog's ears with cotton, but not too deep. Eyes also need to be avoided so that water does not get into the dog's eyes and make the dog more rebellious.
Next give shampoo, then use a special dog shampoo with a little chemical content and non-perfume. Pour into the palm of your hand, then apply to the dog's coat thoroughly, from head to tail.
Apply shampoo while gently rubbing the coat to absorb it, then rinse the dog's body until all the shampoo is gone. It will be more effective if you use a spray, because the spray can clean down to the undercoat of the fur. Make sure there is no shampoo left on his body as it can irritate the dog.
Finally, dry the dog. Use a towel or hairdryer to dry the dog's fur. Make sure not to forget your ears, because if you don't dry your ears, they will invite bacteria, fungi, and parasites to grow there.
Brushing Dog's Teeth
Dog teeth also need to be cleaned by brushing. Toothbrush and toothpaste can be purchased at the pet shop, do not use human toothpaste.
Brushing his teeth is done every day, especially after eating, because usually leftover food will stick to his teeth. Spend at least 5 minutes every day, brushing your teeth carefully and not too hard because the dog's gums are too sensitive and can bleed if brushed too hard.
Brushing Dog's Hair
Pomeranian fur should be brushed more often. Use a special dog bristle brush. It is recommended to brush your dog's hair after bathing, not when the coat is too dry. Or apply conditioner before brushing.
After brushing, comb the bristles using a fine-toothed comb. If you find that your dog's hair is tangled and you can't straighten it with a comb, trim it with scissors. If your dog's coat is often tangled and clumped, it's a good idea to keep the coat short but still retain some of the bark.
That's my article about Tips for Caring for a Good Pomeranian Dog, love the animals on this earth.